LUV Fitness LLC
Where you come to find the right Trainer or Coach for you

Rent a GYM

Now its happened to all of us. We get to the gym and find out its packed, so now we’re stuck waiting around for equipment to open up and we’re losing the time we have to workout.

Or, we get to the gym to find out it’s closed.

Nothing is more disappointing and hindering to your gains than having to put up with these circumstances.


Well, now you dont have to!

With a couple simple clicks you can have an entire gym show up at your desired location.

If your ever in a punch, looking for privacy, or need to get more out of your workouts then start having the gym come to you!


If you have a Personal Trainer you already work with, or your a Personal Trainer yourself, its still just as easy for you both to use the Rent a GYM services.